This page is updated as our initiatives progress. Feel free to visit it regularly. As you scroll down this page, you can ‘go back in time’ to the origins of MéthyCentre.
Launching of the project's construction.
The works for the Power-to-Gas demonstrator project MéthyCentre have started in Angé (41).
Coupled with a methanization unit, it will produce green hydrogen from renewable energy, part of which will be transformed into e-methane. The remaining hydrogen will be used for green mobility.
To know more, read the press release By clicking here.

Meeting with the municipal council of Angé.
The municipal council received a part of the project team: Mrs. Diane Defrenne, Project Director, Mrs. Najla Saeid, Site Manager of Céré-la-Ronde, and Mrs. Anaïs Grand, CSR intern. The purpose of the meeting was to present the progress of the project and its impacts during the construction and operation phases, prior to the start of work scheduled for 1st for the 1st. trimester 2021.
The SIEIL and Storengy, for the energy transition in Indre-et-Loire.
The SIEIL (Intermunicipal Electricity Union of Indre-et-Loire) and Storengy are partnering to develop energy transition in the territory of Indre-et-Loire.
To know more, read the press release By clicking here.
New videos
The Centre-Val de Loire Region has produced a video that explains the conversion of electricity into green gas, a process at the heart of MéthyCentre.

Fourth Technical comittee
On February 5 and 6, 2020, Khimod hosted all partners of the MéthyCentre consortium at its offices in Villejuif for the fourth technical committee. This was an opportunity for Khimod to present to us the operational prototype of the methanation unit.

Presentation to the ADEME monitoring committee
On January 28, 2020, all members of the Méthycentre consortium met with the ADEME Monitoring Committee in Angers to present the progress of the project corresponding to key milestone 1. The purpose of the Monitoring Committee is to monitor the implementation of Operation Méthycentre, and the aim of this first key stage is to present the work carried out to achieve a conversion rate of over 90% of CO2 on the laboratory-scale pilot simulating the conditions of the future unit that will be deployed on-site

Signing of the electrolyzer acquisition contract
Cécile Prévieu, Executive President of Storengy SAS, and Pascal Pewinski, Executive General Manager of AREVA H2Gen, gathered at the headquarters of Storengy for the signing of the acquisition contract for the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer designed by AREVA H2Gen as part of the MéthyCentre project.
With this first electrolyzer, Storengy confirms its role as a solutions integrator in support of the energy transition of territories.
To know more, read the press release By clicking here.

Third technical comittee
Elogen hosted all the partners of the MéthyCentre consortium at its offices in Les Ulis for the third technical committee and the seventh project steering committee. Between technical discussions, Areva H2Gen gave us a tour of its development, testing, and assembly facilities for electrolyzers
MethyCentre presented at ICE 2019
The second edition of the International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE) took place in Norway from June 9 to 13, 2019.
This international congress dedicated to electrolysis was launched in Copenhagen in 2017, and this year's edition brought together more than 200 participants. Various sessions of discussions and presentations were dedicated to high-temperature electrolysis (SOEC and PCEC), PEM electrolysis (Proton Exchange Membrane), alkaline electrolysis, and AEM electrolysis (Anion Exchange Membrane). Around a hundred innovative projects were on display.
CEA's Bruno Fournel took the opportunity to present the electrolysis innovations of the MéthyCentre project to experts from all over the world. View the project poster by clicking here.
The next edition of this conference is already scheduled for 2021, in the USA.

Second Technical Committee
CEA Liten welcomed Storengy to its Grenoble offices for the second technical committee and fifth steering committee of the MethyCentre project. Two days of intense technical exchanges were held to make progress on the various building blocks of the power-to-gas R&D project. website now online
Follow the progress of the project on the website. Visit our website regularly, to keep you informed throughout the demonstrator's development and operational phases.
You can also contact us at any time the online form.
Choice of Angé site (41)
Following the consultation meeting at which local residents amended and validated the analysis grid for the choice of site, Storengy has selected a 2-hectare plot of land in the commune of Angé for the installation of the MethyCentre demonstrator.
A notice requesting that the PLUi be brought into line with the MethyCentre project has been sent to Angé town hall and the Communauté de communes du Val de Cher Controis.
Consultation meeting at Saint Julien de Chedon (41)
Organized by Storengy, the consultation meeting was attended by 30 people (elected representatives of the Communes and communities of communes bordering Céré la Ronde and 5 representatives of Storengy's local residents). The meeting was an opportunity for Storengy to present its project (concept, timetable, interaction with the environment), answer questions and, above all, involve local residents and elected representatives in its choice of site.
MethyCentre project begins
Storengy, all its industrial partners and ADEME met on Thursday, June 14, 2018, to carry out a technical review to launch the project at the Céré la Ronde underground gas storage site, near which the demonstrator will be housed.
Confirmation of financial support
Confirmation of support for the project from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Centre- Val de Loire region, following that of the Investissements d'Avenir program operated by ADEME.
S2E2 label awarded
The MethyCentre project is awarded the label of the S2E2 competitiveness cluster in Tours.
Partnerships, feasibility assessment and contacts
The Storengy team has all the skills needed to carry out this demonstrator project. Since 2015, Storengy has surrounded itself with the best partners to enable MethyCentre to see the light of day. Discover all our partners. During this period, Storengy contacted local elected representatives to present the process and keep them informed of the project's progress.
The innovative concept has been submitted to various calls for energy projects: Hydrogen Territories, Storage and Conversion.
Contacts have also been made with local farmers to assess the agricultural organic matter available in the area.
Storengy's Céré-la-Ronde site chosen as the location for the plant
The ENGIE group and its subsidiary Storengy are focusing on the Céré-la-Ronde site for the installation of the demonstrator.
First thoughts
It was the Jeune Chambre Economique de Tours (Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry) who, in 2014, came up with the idea of a renewable gas production demonstrator and put the CEA and ENGIE Group in touch with each other.